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Kayak Fishing For Scottish Monsters

Kayak Fishing For Scottish Monsters

Scotland is famous throughout the world, for the Loch Ness monster; a large mysterious creature which has captivated the imagination of people everywhere. Well, there are other monsters of the deep which are very real indeed… they live in the 400 feet deep waters off...
Double Ray Bonus

Double Ray Bonus

Kayak fishing in the UK in the middle of winter is not everyone’s idea of fun. And I have to admit, that when I arrived at Blue Anchor Bay on the Bristol Channel coast and was greeted by a stiff North Easterly breeze, I was questioning my own sanity… It was freezing !...

Poole Harbour Flounder Meet

The first Anglers Afloat meet of the year was organised by Seagypsy (Ben). The setting was a chilly Poole Harbour in Dorset. Ben had organised a series of activities including a flounder fishing comp, an RNLI demonstration and a teach-in for paddle skills. He had also...
26lb Cod from the kayak

26lb Cod from the kayak

The day started off very foggy. I made my way down to Blue Anchor Bay to meet up with Oggy Bongo (Stu). I recognised a car in the car park which I thought belonged to V8Rob; then we spoke to a dinghy owner who confirmed that there were 2 kayakers out on the water...

Kayak fishing 2010 – the best bits

Every year has its highs and its lows. For me, many of the highs were spent sitting on a piece of plastic, watching the world float by, in the company of some of the best friends I have ever had the fortune to meet. Kayak fishing is a great leveller, and I consider...