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Kayak Fishing Hints and Tips

John Anderson is a young kayak fisher from Down Under Australia. He was born and brought up in Sydney and loves every bit of it. When he is not working, you can find him in the waters; Lane Cove River and the upper Roseville, Georges River, Port Hacking and Crosslands Reserve at the bottom of Galston Gorge are his favourite kayak fishing spots and bream and flatheads are his fish of choice.

Some Kayak Fishing Tips for the First Timers – By John Anderson

Ask any seasoned angler or a guide and he will tell you how much of a joy is involved in kayak fishing. It is a whole new feeling – getting so close to the fish and experiencing it first hand the fish, the water. But this is not as easy as it sounds. There also might be some uncomfortable situations- you better know how to handle them.

A major challenge of kayak fishing is that most kayakers are 99% fisherman and just 1% kayakers. Learning how to properly kayak is going to help you paddle more efficiently- this in turn helps you get the fish more quietly and quickly, which in turn helps to fight the fish more quickly. It is better to know a few techniques in great detail rather than having less knowledge of many techniques; it is only going to help you improve your fishing.

  • It goes for all strenuous sport that demands a rigorous physical exercise, consult your doctor. Yes, kayaking is a lot of fun, but you also need to be reasonably fit in order to enjoy the benefits of it.
  • You want to be a kayak fisher; you go and buy a kayak. That is not how it works. You have to get the basic kayak training and make sure you are not risking any personal injury or discomfort with the paddling equipment.
  • Before you actually buy the kayak, make sure you have its intended use in mind. The model, size, make, does matter-you have to be comfortable with it. Colour also plays a role here. Yellow, bright orange and bright greens are the best – the colours stand out in the blue surroundings.
  • In all the excitement, please do not forget to wear a personal floatation device (PFD). So that you don’t forget them, keep them with (or even inside) the kayak.
  • Always carry proper signalling device like flares to signal in times of distress. Waterproof VHF radios are also a must (and remember you need to hold a licence in order to transmit in the UK unless its an emergency situation).
  • Slather good amount of sunscreen on yourself before you start and carry plenty of water to drink.
  • Be aware of your surroundings- other watercrafts, structures, swimmers, boats are to be watched out for.
  • It is a good idea to carry some dry clothes. Pack them in a waterproof bag and carry it with you.
  • Be weather smart. Be watchful of the weather and make sure it a perfect day for doing some fishing from a kayak. If you happen to come across some bad weather, head for the shore straightaway.
  • Better if you can paddle with a group. It is always fun to be fishing in a group and also a lot safer in the waters. In case there is an unpleasant situation, there are others around to help.
  • It is a good idea to practice overturning and re-entering your kayak in a controlled setting. You never know what kind of a situation you might be in.

Many thanks for the article John, I would like to continue the theme and open up this “Kayak Fishing Hints and Tips” page to everyone, to send in their suggestions or hints and tips (use the comment field below or email them to me). If they are good, I will add them to the page so everyone can benefit from them.



From Andy Money…

  • Always take a compass out with you and take a bearing back to your startpoint, so that if the fog comes down you can find your way back. Don’t rely soley on GPS – electronics have a habit of breaking down and they also rely on power.

From Dunner Yak…

  • Consider the use of a paddle float. They are widely used on sit inside kayaks and also can help with stability and self rescue of it-on-top kayaks too

From Ben Saville…

  • Leash everything that you don’t want to lose on the kayak (Leash it or Lose it we say !)